What Will Eisner an American comic artist uncovered in 1985 can be deemed as the “Crowning Glory” of effective data narrative driven storytelling. In Will Eisner’s opinion, comics deal with words and images, and upon skillfully implementing these two elements while designing a graphical story can make a visualization, a great medium of storytelling. What Will Eisner an American comic artist uncovered in 1985 can be deemed as the “Crowning Glory” of effective data narrative driven storytelling. In Will Eisner’s opinion, comics deal with words and images, and upon skillfully implementing these two elements while designing a graphical story can make a visualization, a great medium of storytelling. … More SEQUENTIAL MULTIPLES DATA VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUE: THE ART OF DATA STORYTELLING

Creating Infographic Type Dashboards in Microstrategy

While a lot of us would want to see a traditional interactive dashboard with standard selectors and filtering mechanism and then there are those who would want to take their dashboards one notch up by bringing in interactivity with eye candy backgrounds to have a compelling narrative or so to say finesse to their dashboards. Read this blog to see how easy it is to create an infographic dsahboard … More Creating Infographic Type Dashboards in Microstrategy

3 Easy Steps to Create Hex Polygon Maps in Tableau

While there are boatload of ways to create hex maps in Tableau, I continue to pursue the easiest and the simplest form of creating these custom maps. I am a great proponent of “keep it simple and accessible” strategy.
No code, no calcs just simple dataset connection with the spatial file with few formatting clicks and voila! You are on your way to create your most amazing Hexagonal or Hex Polygon map.
More 3 Easy Steps to Create Hex Polygon Maps in Tableau